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HICKEY Michael
Birth:          1801 Ireland
Death:          15 Jun 1874 Philadelphia, Pa.
Cause of Death: kidney disease
Burial:         17 Jun 1874 Old Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.

My 12 Aug 2009 email to Nancy and mom, removing background
1860 Phila census
What do I find? The indexer translated sloppy writing as Kickey! AAAGGHHH.

Phila Ward 20
Michael Hickey, age 55, blacksmith, b. Ireland (so b c 1804) [note: Maurice was a 
Mary (or perhaps Marg for Margaret] age 40, b Ireland (so b c 1819)
Margaret age 23 b New Jersey, tailoress (so b c 1836)
Morris age 21 b New Jersey, blacksmith (so b c 1838) [but we know from more 
accurate records he was born in 1835]
Mary age 19 b New Jersey, tailoress (so b c 1840)
Thomas age 17 b Penn, apprentice coach maker (so b c 1842) [Maurice also shows 
up as a coach maker in several census records and in the city directory and in a want 
Peter age 14 b Penn, (so b c 1845)
Catherine age 17 b Penn (so b c 1842)
Ellen age 10 b Penn (so b c 1849)
Sarah age 23 b Ireland (so b c 1836) [this is Sarah Dowling, now wife of Maurice]
Michael age 1 mo. b Penn, so this is Michael Francis Hickey, baptized at St. Malachy.

In the same house, counted as a separate household:
Jno. Gwens  50 wheelwright b Ireland b c 1810
Mary Gwens 70 b Ireland b c 1790
are these people relatives? Mother and brother of Mary (grandmother of Maurice)?
Or she could be the SISTER of Michael AND Peter!
Indexed as Gwens but I think it is Givens
1870 in Phila is a John Givens 55 (b 1814) b Ireland, machinist, with Julia Givens, 60, 
b Ireland, keeps candy stand
per doc from OCC 6 July 2015, John Gibbons is buried in Hickey plot K/8/16, buried 
28 May 1874, age 62 (b 1812) must be brother of Margaret and Mary Ann
WAIT! In 1850 in Gettysburg with Peter Hickey and his family (see below) is John 
Gibbons, 37 (b c 1812) and Mary Gibbons 64 (b 1785) both b Ireland. He is a 
wheelwright. Givens sounds like Gibbons.
On 16 Aug 1822, arriving at Phila on the Mary Ann from St Andrews is this family: 
James Givens , 26, Mary 22, Jno 8, Margt 6 Jane 4, Mary 1. Age fits John, but mother 
Mary would be a bit too young. Ha, how can someone 26 and someone 22 be the 
parents of someone 8, 6, etc??? I don't have access to the original record but an 
index, which probably is wrong. Could the ages be 36 and 32? [but dtr Margaret and 
dtr Mary would be too young to be wives of the Hickeys] Place of origin is Scotland 
not Ireland. Hmmm. Note that the immigration record of Peter and Margaret Hickey 
(see below) also claims they are from Scotland (a "Do" [ditto] following the preceding 
person surnamed Bruce.

In 1830 there is a James Givens in North Mulberry Ward, Phila. 2males under 5, 1 
male 20-30, 2 females under 5,  1 5-10, 1 20-30, 1 30-40. Doesn't fit the ages of the 
children on the immigration record. There is a James Gibbins in New Market Ward, but 
no markings for any ages. In 1840, no James Givins, but James Gibbins is in Pine 
Ward, but he is colored. There is a John Gibbons in Northern Libeties, but the ages 
don't work.

In the 1870 census [which was done twice, with varying results, and rounded ages, 
with missing information in the 2d enumeration, so this is a merger; shown as ward 20 
in one and ward 17 in the other]:

Michael Hickey age 60 b Ireland (so b c 1810), blacksmith
Mary Ann age 50 b Ireland (so b c 1820)
Margaret F age age 30 (so b c 1839) [this is Margaret Francis Hickey, one of the 
godparents to the baptism of Michael Francis Hickey]
Thomas J. or F. age 26 (so b c 1843) coach painter
Mary E age 23 on 1st enum, age 30 on 2d so b 1846 or 1839 [this is Mary Emma 
Hickey, one of the witnesses to the Maurice Hickey - Sarah Dowling marriage]
Peter age 21, blacksmith (so b c 1848)
on 2d enumeration, also Catherine age 30 (so b c 1839).
On first enumeration children b Pa., none given on 2d enumeration

In the 1880 census:

At 1701 Wylie St in Philadelphia, no ward given
Mary Hickey 35 unm, vestmaker b NJ, suffers from nervous prostration (so b c 1844)
Peter Hickey 32, unm, brother, carriage blacksmith b NJ (so b c 1847)
Ella Hickey 25, unm, dressmaker, b Pa (so b c 1854)
parents b Ireland. 

1850 census, in North Mulberry Ward, as Rickey. Imagine that.
Michael age 40 bc 1809 blacksmith
Mary Ann age 38 bc 1811
Margaret 17 b c 1832
Morris 15 b c 1834
Mary 12 b c 1837
Catherine 10 b c 1839
Thomas 8 b c 1841
Peter 6 b c 1843
David 4 b c 1845
Ellen 1 b c 1849

In 1840 census there is a Michael Hickey in North Mulberry Ward of Phila, 1 male 
under 5, 1 male 30-40, 3 females under 5, i female 5-10, 1 female 30-40. Using 1850 
info, there should be 1 male 30, 1 female 28, 1 male age 5, females 0, 2, and 7. So I 
think this is them and that there was a female alive in 1840 who was not alive in 1850. 
Her name would change the naming pattern theory, below.

Phila Death Records: Michael Hickey, d 13 Dec 1874, age 60 yrs, married, cause: 
phthisis pulmonalis, machinist, 1309 Carlton St, ward 14, bur 15 Dec 1874, New 
Cathedral Cemetery, undertaker J McGinnis
16 Sep 1874 Phila Inquirer says he is aged 60 yrs, funeral this (Wednesday) [16 Dec 
1874] 1309 Carlton, funeral service at Church of the Assumption, interment New 
Cathedral Cemetery NOT HIM
another: Michael Hickey, d 15 June 1874, disease of kidneys, age 73, married, no occ 
listed, b Ireland, addr W 337 Girard Ave, 17th ward bur 17 Jun 1874 Cathedral 
Cemetery, undertaker Morris Hayes (this was the record with the writeover changing 
Maurice to Morris) THIS IS HIM
and this is the one who is buried in the Hickey plot at Old Cathedral Cemetery on 17 
Jun 1874 (and matches obit in 17 Jun 1874 Phila inquirer on genealogybank, gives 
burial as Cathedral Cemetery (which would be Old CC), died on 15 Jun 1874, high 
mass at St Michael's Church)

recall that Maurice and Sarah had a child, Joseph, who died in 1874, with residence 
given as Hart Lane. in the Phila Death Records is this: Edward Hickey, 10 mos, d 20 
Feb 1875, pneumonia, son of Peter and Elizabeth Hickey, 28th Ward, 26th and Hart 
Lane, bur Mon Feb 22, 1875, New Cathedral Cemetery, undertaker Hays. This MUST 
be Maurice's brother. Or maybe not. Also: Hart Lane above Kensington is in 
Kensington, but where is the Hart Lane that meets 26th St?
But then what of James Hickey, d 4 Mar 1910, Phila, 42 y 8m 26 d b 8 Jun 1868, of 
uremia, b Ireland, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Cooney) Hickey, foreman, Keystone 
Lubricating Co., bur 7 Mar 1910, Holy Cross Cem, widow is Ella ... are his parents the 
parents of the preceding Edward?
same question as to Patrick J. Hickey, age 53y, shipper, b Ireland, son of Peter and 
Elizabeth (Coony) Hickey, d 3 Jul 1914, nephritis, bur Holy Sepulchre, lived 3638 N 
17th St.
and: Francis Joseph Hickey, age 6m 4d, d 23 Aug 1875, marasmus, son of Peter and 
Elizabeth Hickey, 29th Ward, 1248 N 18th St, but 25 Aug 1875 Cathedral Cemetery, 
undertaker M Hayes Co.
and: Mary Hicky, age 19m, d 19 Jan 1887, measles, dtr of Peter (dead) and Elizabeth 
Hickey, 15th ward, 1929 Buttonwood St, bur 21 Jan 1887 New Cathedral Cemetery, 
1880 census has a Peter and Elizabeth Hickey, he b 1830, she 1836, chi Patrick 20, 
Margaret 18, Kate 16, James 14, Peter 11, John 9, Elizabeth 4, Thomas 39. All b 
Ireland exc Elizabeth (b Pa) and John (b Ill.) Remember that in 1880 there is a Mary, 
Peter, and Ella who seem to fit Maurice's siblings. 

A Michael and Ann Hickey arrived on the Westmoreland 9 May 1837, he b c 1807, she 
b c 1809. They are listed as going to NY, but with them is a Margaret Hickey, age 5, 
listed as going to Phila (and also listed as a male, so the clerk must not have been 
very bright). But I doubt this is them, as our Michael's wife is Mary Ann, and where is 
Maurice, but Margaret was born in 1832. There is no family in the 1850 census that 
matches this family (none of the Michaels has a wife Ann, for example; the only 
Margaret Hickey that could fit is in Newark with the Ballentine family, so where are her 
parents?) Likewise, no Michael and Ann in the 1860 census of the relevant ages. 
PLUS we know the Hickeys were in NJ by 1833

From "History of the O'Briens: From Brian Boroimhe, A.D. 1000…." in Chapter IX, The 
"Aran Islands" O'Briens:

"As physicians, the O'Hickeys first claim our attention with a long and historic record. 
The O'Hickeys of Kilkee and of Drim, claim to be the last, 'hereditary physicians of the 
O'Briens of Thomond,' and as such, have always been acknowledged by the O'Briens 
to have occupied that position.
"Their descendants are now residing at Kilkee in County Clare,….
"In 1641 the family were in possession of Ballyhickey (modern Hazelwood), Quin, Co. 
Clare, about three miles from Dromoland Castle, ….
"Connor Hickey, great grandfather of Dr. P.C. Hickey of Kilkee, was the son of Dr. 
Andrew Hickey of Drim, who died in 1778.
"Andrew Hickey married Margaret, the daughter of James Butler of Doone and 
Bunnahow, County Clare, and of Boytonrath, County Tipperary.
"Drim is the next town land to Ballyhickey. In 1641 Donough O'Hickey, with other 
Hickeys resided at Ballyhickey. His lands were confiscated, and given to Philip Bigoe, 
and to others. His son Morrish married Honora, daughter of Donough Gillanoye of 
Tarmon, part of Ballyhickey.
"In a petition of claims at Chichester House, Loughlin states that, 'Hickey of Tarmon, 
did by deed of April 1672, convey to Donough and Daniel Hickey, in consideration for 
L150, the lands of Drim.' …
"The property remained in the family until 1893, …..
"The family moved to Kilkee in 1669. In the pedigree chart of the Hickey family of 
Kilkee, eleven generations are shown, each supported by deed record and will.
"Michael Hickey, som of Morrish, mentioned above, was secretary and agent to the 
Right Honorable Henry 7th Earl of Thomond, and was granted arms in 1688….
According to O'Farrell's 'Linea Antiqua,' the Hickeys trace their early descent from 
Cormac Cas. Donal it is said changed his name in A.D. 1006 to O'Hickey, or 
descendant of the HEaler. The descent passed to Eochy Baldeary via Cas, Blood, 
Cathan Fionn. Eochy Baldeary whence the Hickeys."

I am very certain that our Hickeys descend from this family. Maurice is not a common 
Irish name (cf. Patrick, John, Sean, Liam, etc.) Maurice shows  up as Morris in many 
instances, even with our great great grandfather. Morrish appears to be the native 
Irish spelling. Not sure if the "h" is pronounced. So Morrish, back in the 1600s has a 
son Michael. We are dealing with a Michael who has a son Maurice. Hmm.


Michael Hickey came to the US before 1835. We know this because his children are 
born in NJ and Pa. The great Irish migration due to famine did not begin until the 
1850s. So the reason may have been economic or political.

Irish naming conventions from 
says that 1st son named after father's father, 2d son after mother's father, third after 
father, fourth after father's eldest brother, 5th after mother's eldest brother; 1st dtr 
named after mother's mother, 2d after father's mother, 3d after mother, 4th after 
mother's eldest sister, 5th after father's eldest sister.
So, using 1850:
Margaret 17 b c 1832 Mary Ann's mother
Morris 15 b c 1834 Michael's father
Mary 12 b c 1837 Michael's mother [no, there is the missing child on 1840 census, so 
Mary named after mother]
Catherine 10 b c 1839 Mary Ann's oldest sister a Catherine?
Thomas 8 b c 1841 Mary Ann's father
Peter 6 b c 1843 would be Michael but isn't. so is Michaels' older brother a Peter?
David 4 b c 1845 is Mary Ann's oldest brother a David?
Ellen 1 b c 1849 is Michael's oldest sister an Ellen?

What of this entry? from familysearch Michael Hickie b c 1804 m 1829 Cloyne 
Diocese, Cork, Ireland, Mary Anne Browning, b c 1808 Cloyne Diocese, Cork,
Ireland. No.

6 Oct 2009 email from PAHRC:

Baptismal records for six Hickey children were found in St. Augustine and St. John the 
Evangelist. I did not find records for the first three Hickey children, so I suspect they 
were indeed born in New Jersey as the 1860 census indicates. 
Catherine Hickey
born _____
baptized January 19, 1840 - St. Augustine Church
Parents: Michael Hickey and Mary Gibbons
Sponsors: James Lamb and Ellen MacDonough
by Rev. T. Kyle
Thomas Hickey 
born _____
baptized April 18, 1842 - St. Augustine Church
Parents: Michael Hickey and Mary Gibbons
Sponsors: Thomas Gibbons and Jane Donoghoe
by Rev. T. Kyle
Peter Hickey
born July 30, 1844
baptized August 9, 1844 - St. John the Evangelist Church 
Parents: Michael and Mary Ann Hickey
Sponsors: Michael Flanagan and Margaret Conroy
by Rev. M. W. Gibson
Michael Henry Hickey
born November 10, 1846 
baptized November 21, 1846 - St. John the Evangelist Church
Parents: Michael Hickey and Mary Ann Gibbons
Sponsors: James Byrnes and Margaret Conroy
by Rev. E. J. Sourin
Ellen Cecilia Hickey
born April 18, 1849
baptized April 30, 1849 - St. John the Evangelist Church
Parents: Michael Hickey and Mary Ann Gibbons
Sponsors: James Smith and Margaret Kenney
by Rev. H. Balfe
John Henry Hickey
born March 14, 1852
baptized April 3, 1852 - St. John the Evangelist Church 
Parents: Michael Hickey and Mary Ann Gibbons
Sponsors: Daniel Donoghoe and Jane McIntyre
by Rev. J. J. Balfe
There is no index to the marriage register of St. Augustine. I will search the register by 
hand if you feel it is worthwhile, but I did not think the marriage record would be found 
there since the baptismal records of the first three children were not found in St. 
You asked in your e-mail if there were such a thing as "transfer in" records. 
Unfortunately, there are no such records. I think a new immigrant wishing to be 
married would simply state that he was indeed baptized, and that was taken as proof. 
You also ask if there is a marriage record for Mary or Bridget Dowling. However, 
marriage records are indexed by the man's name only, so you would need to know the 
name of the husband in order to conduct a search. 
At the very least, this latest research offers you the maiden name of Mary Ann 
(Gibbons) Hickey. 
Another try with immigration (oldest 3 ch born in NJ before 1840 but how soon? 
census records are inconsistent) [using soundex, no additions]
Michael Hickey (no others) 7 Jun 1836 arrives NYC on the America, age 26
Michael Hickey (no others) 17 May 1836 arrives NYC on the Gratitude, age 30
Michael Hickey 32, Margaret 28, Dennis 6, Mary 4 ... not them
Michael Hickey (no others) 27 May 1836 arrives NYC on the Tally Ho, age 28
only 3 others arriving 1820 - 1840 but ages don't fit

using Thomas Gibbons as a clue
1850 there is a Thomas Gibbons in South Mulberry Ward, Phila, age 32 (b 1817 in 
ENGLAND), with Michael Conway 70, Dennis Conway 22, Jane Conway 26, Eliza 23, 
Ann 19, Francis Smith 29, Patrick McCoy 21, John Keen 17
in 1860 he is in Phila Ward 2 with the Charles Devlin family, age 40, with wife 
Margaret 41. dtr Amelia 11
1850 Thomas Givins 35 b 1814 Ireland, Spring Garden Ward 6 Phila, Amanda 27, Mary 
A 4, Adelaide 2, Thomas L 0, Susannah McKinley 14, Cassandra Cochran 74
his occupation? blacksmith! Amanda b Maryland, all others b Penna
He seems to show up in 1860 in Allegheny City, Allegheny Co., Pa., age 50, with son 
Thomas L, age 11.
As for clue of Newark from the James Hickey who is, as of yet, unconnected, the only 
parish in Newark before 1842 is St John's Church
In Microfilm 1398540 at familysearch (access via IGI search), for St John in Newark 
NJ, I find [updated with info from the microfilm itself]
Margaret Heakey b 28 May 1833 chr 1 Jun 1833, dtr of Michael Heakey and Mary 
Ann, sponsors Patrick Conway and Bridget Conway, priest Matthew Herard
Mary Anne Hickey b 2 Oct 1834 Chr 4 Oct 1834, dtr of Peter Hickey and Margaret 
Gibbons, sponsors Thomas Gibbons and Julia Conway, priest: Fr. Moran
Maurice Hickey, b 13 Jul 1835, chr 19 Jul 1835, son of Michael Hickey and Mary Ann 
Gibbons, sponsors John Gibbons and Margaret Hickey, possibly bap by Fr. Moran (his 
name isn't listed but it's on other entries)
James Hickey, b 17 Dec 1836, chr 17 Dec 1836 (same day), son of Peter Hickey and 
Margaret Gibbons, sponsors Thomas Malone, Mary Ann Gibbons, possibly bap by Fr. 
Moran (his name isn't listed but it's on other entries)
Mary Hickey b 1 Oct 1837 chr 4 Oct 1837 dtr of Michael Hickey and Mary Ann 
Gibbins, sponsors Patrick Malone and Catharine Reilly, bap by Fr. Moran
Thomas Martin Hickey, b 7 May 1839, chr 19 May 1839, son of John Hickey and Mary 
Welsh, sponsors Peter Delaney and Helen Cox, bap by Fr. Farrell [on same day, 
George Delaney, b 5 May 1839, bap 19 May 1839, son of Peter Delaney and Mary 
Donnigan, sponsors John Hickey and Mary Corcoran, bap. by Fr. Farrell]
Andrew Hickey, b 26 Jan 1841 bap 24 Jan 1841, son of John Hickey and Mary Walsh, 
sponsors Thomas Durning and Ann Reilly, bap by Fr. Moran
Teresa Catharine Hickey b 1 Feb 1842 chr 6 Mar 1842 dtr of John Hickey and Mary 
Walsh, sponsors Andrew (or Alexander) Hickey and Bridget Ferry
Daniel Hickey, b 22 Mar 1845, chr 22 Mar 1845, son of Daniel Hickey and Susan 
Sweeny, sponsor Mary Sweeny (no godfather listed)
Catharine Hickey b 25 May 1846 chr 27 May 1846, dtr of John Hickey and Mary 
Walsh, sponsors Charles Hickey and Catharine Brady
Sophia Hickey b 6 Jan 1849 chr 14 Jan 1849 dtr of John Hickey and Mary Walsh, 
sponsors Bartholomew Lee, Teresa Walsh
Doesn't have any MALE births or ANY marriages in that film or batch number, nor if I 
go into IGI for New Jersey. [but got the film, filled in male baptisms, no Hickey or 
Gibbons in the marriages before 1840, no Gibbons births through 1849, no Hickeys or 
Gibbons as sponsors to marriages up to 1842]

Clues from this: 1850 NJ census in Newark: John Hickey, 40 (b 1810), ireland. currier, 
Mary 41, b Ireland, Charles 15, b NY trunk maker, Edward 12 b NY, Thomas, 11 b NJ, 
Sophia 1, b NJ, Maria 5, b NJ, Bartholomew Leo 25 b Ireland, currier
1860 still in Newark, John 52, Mary 52, Charles P 25, Edward M 22, Thomas M, 21, 
Maria E, 16, Sophia A 11, Lucy 8

also check a James Hickey and Susannah Sweeney (marr in NJ, ch Mary Ann b 1833 
Pa Indiana Twp Allegheny Co, John b 1837 Pa same place, Robert 1843, Sarah 1848, 
No Hickeys in that one or 1841-42

Search on Irish Family History Foundation, only 2 matches between 1826 and 1833 for 
Michael Hickey and Mary Gibbons (in terms of county, year). One was Michael Hickey 
with Johanna Byrne. The other, in 1829, is Michael Hickey to Maria no surname given. 
15 Feb 1829, Ballyporeen Parish in Tipperary, addr Glenacunna, parents names not 
recorded. Witness Judith Tobin, James Hickey

On 31 May 1830 arriving in NY on the Seine, J. Gibans, wheelwright, age 70, P. 
Gibans, 35 polisher, L. Gibans 30, E Gibans 6, C Gibans 6, B Gibans 4. all from Ireland
He is a blacksmith in 1860 and 1870 census
Phila Directories:
1863 Hickey Michael 1351 N 10th, blacksmith
1866 Hickey Michael blacksmith 1405 Fawn
1870, 1872, 1873 Hickey Michael, coachmaker, h 531 Thompson
1870, 1872, 1873 Hickey Margaret, widow Peter, h 1525 1/2 Thompson
1870, 1872 Hickey James boilermaker h 1521 Carlton
1870 Hickey Thomas F painter h 531 Thompson
1872 Hickey Thomas F printer (not painter?) 531 Thompson
1873 Hickey James boilermaker h 1522 Wood
1873, no Thomas that seems to fit
1874 Michael not listed, nor is Margaret, nor is there a Mary wid Michael
1874 James the boilermaker is h 256 N 15th
1877 no Michael that fits, but there is a Hickey Margaret wid Michael h 1316 Carlton
also at that address is Edward Hickey laborer
James Hickey is at 1814 Stiles, and a James Hickey boilermaker is h r 1127 Vine
1878 no Micahel that fits. Maurice, blacksmith is at 332 N 23d, Thomas F, painter, is 
at 1746 Seybert, James boilermaker 1127 Vine, Jame Hickey coachmaker 1814 Stiles
Pa and NJ Church and Town Rec on ancestry has burial 17 Jun 1874 Old Cathedral 
plot K/8/16 age 73 (b 1801) he is the lot holder
doc from OCC 6 Jul 2015
Also in the grave is Anna N Peters bur 3 May 1924 age 18y 11m, per doc from OCC 6 
Jul 2015. Best match on Penna Death Cert is Anna M Peters, b 7 May 1905, Penna., d 
30 Apr 1924, cause tuberculosis, married, lived 1013 W Oakdale St., dtr of Adolph 
Flickman and Anna Koch, both b Pa., informant Richard Peters, 2610 N Warnock St., 
bur OCC 3 May 1924. So who is she? Did someone in the family sell the remaining 
space? Or donate it? Can't see how she would be related. Family friend?

HICKEY ----- ()
----- ----- ()

HICKEY Michael (1801 - 15 Jun 1874)
HICKEY Peter (1806 - 26 Aug 1857)

Marriage To GIBBONS Mary Ann (1811 - 20 Oct 1875) m. Notes Parents GIBBONS ----- () ----- Mary (1785 - ) Children by GIBBONS Mary Ann 1811 - 20 Oct 1875
HICKEY Margaret Frances (28 May 1833 - 23 Oct 1875) HICKEY ----- (EST 1834 - BEF 1850) HICKEY Maurice Henry (13 Jul 1835 - 10 Feb 1901) HICKEY Mary Emma (1 Oct 1837 - ) HICKEY Catherine (1840 - ) HICKEY Thomas Francis (3 Jan 1842 - 9 Jul 1905) HICKEY Peter (30 Jul 1844 - 23 Oct 1922) HICKEY Michael Henry (10 Nov 1846 - ) HICKEY Ellen Ceceilia (18 Apr 1849 - 2 Apr 1919) HICKEY John Henry (14 Mar 1852 - 21 Oct 1852)
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