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HICKEY Mary Emma
Birth:          1 Oct 1837 Newark, N.J.
Christening:    4 Oct 1837 St. John Church, Newark, N.J.
Burial:         Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Cheltenham, Pa.

1850 in Phila, North Mulberry Ward (indexed as Rickey), 12 (1837)
1860 in Phila Ward 20 (indexed as Kickey) tailoress
1870 in Phila Ward 20 or 17 (2 enumerations), 23 on 1st enumer, 30 on 2d
witness to Maurice Hickey - Sarah Dowling wedding
1880 1701 Wylie St., Phila., unm, vest maker, suffers from nervous prostration, age 35 
Phila Inq 1881 Oct 12: article about will of Peter Cullen. One witness (as to what was 
said by a witness to the will) is Miss Mary E. Hickey of 1507 Thompson St.

Suddenly, on Nov 24, 1918, MARY E., beloved daughter of Michael and Mary Hickey. 
Relatives and friends of family invited to funeral, on Wed. morning, at 8:30, from her 
late residence, 3650 N. 11th st. Solemn requiem mass, at St. Stephen's Church, 10 
a.m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem." Is this Mary Emma? If so why not "the late Michael and 
Mary Hickey"? This is from Public Ledger, and it also appears in Nov 26 1918 Phila 
Inquirer. There is no Michael and Mary Hickey in Phila in 1910 or in 1900. But I can't 
find the decedent in 1910, either.
Answer from Pa Death Cert for Mary Hickey of 3650 N 11th, she is b 24 June 1880, dtr 
of Michael Hickey b Ireland and Mary Somers b Penna. So this is not her.
There is a Mary Hickey who d 11 May 1914, age 76 (b c 1838), parents "can't get" 
and cannot figure out residence. Informant is  W M Tilley of Phila Gen Hosp. Buried 
Cathedral Cemetery
There is a Mary Hickey who d 1 Mar 1900 of pleurisy, age 63, single, b Phila, lived 
428 Vine St, no names of parents, buried 4 Mar 1900 St Augustine Family Vault

LDS Microfilm 1398540 (records of St. John, Newark, N.J.), bap by Fr. Moran, 
sponsors Patrick Malone, Catharine Reilly

On findagrave is Mary E Hickey, dtr of Michael and Mary Hickey (so she is a sister of 
Maurice). "HICKEY Suddenly, on Nov 24, 1918, Mary E., beloved daughter of Michael 
and Mary Hickey. Relatives and friends of family invited to funeral, on Wed. morning, 
at 8:30, from her late residence, 3650 N. 11th St. Solemn requiem mass, at St. 
Stephen's Church, 10 a.m., Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. This is the same one above.

Who is Mary Hickey buried in NCC grace E/3/8 (where Margaret Hickey, Martha 
Hickey, James Hickey, and Ellen Hickey are buried)? She bur 12 Mar 1919 age 68. Is 
it her? Her cousin?

HICKEY Michael (1801 - 15 Jun 1874)
GIBBONS Mary Ann (1811 - 20 Oct 1875)

HICKEY Margaret Frances (28 May 1833 - 23 Oct 1875)
HICKEY ----- (EST 1834 - BEF 1850)
HICKEY Maurice Henry (13 Jul 1835 - 10 Feb 1901)
HICKEY Mary Emma (1 Oct 1837 - )
HICKEY Catherine (1840 - )
HICKEY Thomas Francis (3 Jan 1842 - 9 Jul 1905)
HICKEY Peter (30 Jul 1844 - 23 Oct 1922)
HICKEY Michael Henry (10 Nov 1846 - )
HICKEY Ellen Ceceilia (18 Apr 1849 - 2 Apr 1919)
HICKEY John Henry (14 Mar 1852 - 21 Oct 1852)

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