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HICKEY Maurice HenryBirth: 13 Jul 1835 Newark, N.J.
Christening: 19 Jul 1835 St. John Church, Newark, N.J.
Death: 10 Feb 1901 Philadelphia, Pa.
Cause of Death: tuberculosis
Burial: 14 Feb 1901 Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Cheltenham, Pa.
1850 in Phila, North Mulberry Ward (indexed as Rickey) 15 (1834)
1860 in Phila Ward 20 (indexed as Kickey), as Morris, age 21
LDS Microfilm 1398540 (records of St. John, Newark, N.J.), prob bap by Fr. Moran,
sponsors John Gibbons, Margaret Hickey
In the 1880 Penna census there is a Martin Hickey, b Pa parents b Ireland, a
blacksmith, married to a Sarah b Ireland parents b Ireland. He is age 43 (b 1836/37).
She is age 40 (b 1839/40). Children Mary age 15 (b 1864/65), Thomas age 12 (b
1867/68), Sarah age 10 (b 1869/70), and John age 6 months (b Nov 1879). Mary and
John born in Penna, Thomas and Sarah b in Kentucky!! This HAS to be him!!!! There
are three boarders: Mary Weldon, KathQuinn, Joseph Quinn. At 2047 Summer Street.
The name Martin could also be Marlin (see census where there is a Milton that could
be a Miltone or something else)
And per the 1900 census Maurice is a carriage blacksmith b May 1835, md 42 years b
NJ!! In that census he is living next door to Randolph and Mary Maule. No children
listed with them. Age 64 and 61, md 42 years. Gives his birthdate as July 1835, in N.J.
Says Sarah Dowling came to the U.S. in 1850. Says she is b May 1849 (1839?) but
shows age as 61. Why 3 year age difference if birth years are 4 years apart??? If born
in 1849 she is 15 when Mary is born. A Sarah Dowling age 8 mos arrived on 2 Sep
1850 from Liverpool, native country Ireland but she would be born in Feb 1850.
Census has no entries for number of children and number of children living.
In 1870 census for Kentucky, there is a Maurice Hickey age 33 (b 1836/7), says born
in Kentucky, a blacksmith, md to a Sarah age 30 (b 1839/40) b Ireland. Census taken
in June so go with later year for her (he is b Aug? May?)? Children Mamie age 6 (b
1864), Thomas age 2 (b 1867/8), Sarah age 2 mos (b April 1870). They had a
servant. Shows him b Ky, wife b Ireland, all 3 children b Ky!!! Living in Louisville, KY
Ward 8 Jefferson Co. It also shows that Maurice's parents NOT of foreign origin
(hmmm) but Sarah's are. Shows the two oldest children as having a father of foreign
origin (huh?) and all three children as having a mother of foreign origin (which makes
Irish naming conventions from
says that 1st son named after father's father, 2d son after mother's father, third after
father, fourth after father's eldest brother, 5th after mother's eldest brother; 1st dtr
named after mother's mother, 2d after father's mother, 3d after mother, 4th after
mother's eldest sister, 5th after father's eldest sister.
If followed here, Maurice was son of Thomas and Mary Hickey and Sarah was dtr of
John and Sarah Dowling. If this supposition is correct [it's not],
PROBLEM: Their first child, per Phila Archdiocese Archives, is Michael Francis
Hickey. Sponsor is Michael Stephen Dowling and Margaret Frances Hickey. (or is it
Francis, a family surname?)
another record shows his birthplace as Philadelphia.
Has a death date of 1901, 2235 W Huntingdon, Ward 28, age 53 (b 1847? ... should it
be 63?) I got to the record on familysearchlabs: says age 53, married,d of phthisis
pulmonalis 28th Ward
register of deaths under Phila death certs on familysearch gives burial place
Pa and NJ Church and Town Rec on ancestry, buried Holy Sepulchre, has name of
survivor (Sarah; same thing with son Thomas, gives his wife's name), but address is
2235 W Huntingdon, and burial is 13 Feb. Grave is 1-5-14, grave 4
Phila Archdiocese Archives email 2 June 2009 (death cert from
Phila Archdiocese Archives email 2 June 2009 (classified ad from
3 Dec 1895: "First class carriagesmith wants situation. Willing to work hard. Maurice
Hickey. 1836 Croskey St."
[In 1894 obit for Agnes Maule (dtr of Mary Hickey and Randolph Maule), they are
listed as living at 1836 Croskey St.]
See notes under Sarah from Phila Archdiocese Archives email 2 July 2009
from Phila Archdiocese Archives email 2 July 2009 search of Phila city directories
1863 Max Hickey, coachman, 303 Dean
1864 Morris Hickey, coachman, 303 Dean
1865 Morris Hickey, coachman, 303 Dean
PAHRC says303 Dean is now Day St., in St Malachy's parish. No record of Mary
Hickey's baptism in St Malachy, or St Michael, St. Anne, Cathedral or Assumption. No
bap for Joseph (b 1873) in Immaculate Conception, Visitation, St. Anne, St. Malachy,
St. Michael or Cathedral. Summer St is in Cathedral parish.
My 12 Aug 2009 email to Nancy and mom, removing background
1860 Phila census
What do I find? The indexer translated sloppy writing as Kickey! AAAGGHHH.
Phila Ward 20
Michael Hickey, age 55, blacksmith, b. Ireland (so b c 1804) [note: Maurice was a
Mary (or perhaps Marg for Margaret] age 40, b Ireland (so b c 1819)
Margaret age 23 b New Jersey, tailoress (so b c 1836)
Morris age 21 b New Jersey, blacksmith (so b c 1838) [but we know from more
accurate records he was born in 1835]
Mary age 19 b New Jersey, tailoress (so b c 1840)
Thomas age 17 b Penn, apprentice coach maker (so b c 1842) [Maurice also shows
up as a coach maker in several census records and in the city directory and in a want
Peter age 14 b Penn, (so b c 1845)
Catherine age 17 b Penn (so b c 1842)
Ellen age 10 b Penn (so b c 1849)
Sarah age 23 b Ireland (so b c 1836) [this is Sarah Dowling, now wife of Maurice]
Michael age 1 mo. b Penn, so this is Michael Francis Hickey, baptized at St. Malachy.
In the same house, counted as a separate household:
Jno. Gwens 50 wheelwright b Ireland
Mary Gwens 70 b Ireland
are these people relatives? Mother and brother of Mary (mother of Maurice)? SEE
MICHAEL HICKEY ENTRY: they are Givens or Gibbons
1850 census, in North Mulberry Ward, as Rickey. Imagine that.
Michael age 40 bc 1809 blacksmith
Mary Ann age 38 bc 1811
Margaret 17 b c 1832
Morris 15 b c 1834
Mary 12 b c 1837
Catherine 10 b c 1839
Thomas 8 b c 1841
Peter 6 b c 1843
David 4 b c 1845
Ellen 1 b c 1849
Records of St John RC Church, Newark, N.J., on Mormon Library microfilm
From 29 Sep 1898 Phila Inquirer: On Sept 27, 1898 Thomas, son of Thomas J and
Mary E Hickey, age 9 mos. funeral on Thursday from parents residence 2324 Gerrett
St, below Reed St. Burial Holy Cross Cemetery
Pa and NJ Church and Town Rec on ancestry in grave I/5/14
per Phila Marr Records on, Thomas J Hickey married a Jones in
1892 in Phila
1869 Louisville City Directory, 238 6th St carriagemaker
"Sara's Story" unpub manuscript by Sara Maguire Dougherty says he had a flourishing
business in Louisville, building fine carriages. Said that they were given two slaves as
a wedding present. When Civil War broke out, she says Maurice and his brother
James (but it was his cousin) joined the Union Army. Maurice interested in horse
racing, would bet on horses at the Ky Derby, once lost $1500. Says the family stayed
in Louisville for a number of years after the war ended (but we know they were back in
Phila by 1870). Says all chi born in Louisville (but that's not so, see church records)
Says they had 4 boys and 2 girls and that Sarah was the youngest (but there are 3
born after her, and there were at least 7 children). Says Sarah Ann told her three of
her little boys died of diptheria (Michael, Joseph, and the unnamed one? but the
account says that all three died between Christmas of one year and Easter of the next,
leaving only Mary, and that all three died before Thomas was born).
HICKEY Michael (1801 - 15 Jun 1874)
GIBBONS Mary Ann (1811 - 20 Oct 1875)
HICKEY Margaret Frances (28 May 1833 - 23 Oct 1875)
HICKEY ----- (EST 1834 - BEF 1850)
HICKEY Maurice Henry (13 Jul 1835 - 10 Feb 1901)
HICKEY Mary Emma (1 Oct 1837 - )
HICKEY Catherine (1840 - )
HICKEY Thomas Francis (3 Jan 1842 - 9 Jul 1905)
HICKEY Peter (30 Jul 1844 - 23 Oct 1922)
HICKEY Michael Henry (10 Nov 1846 - )
HICKEY Ellen Ceceilia (18 Apr 1849 - 2 Apr 1919)
HICKEY John Henry (14 Mar 1852 - 21 Oct 1852)
Marriage To DOWLING Sarah Ann (29 May 1838 - 25 Nov 1918)
m. 7 Jul 1859 St. Malachy Church, Philadelphia, Pa.
DOWLING William (EST 1810 - EST 1851)
CORCORAN Bridget (Mary?) (1814 - Apr 1871)
Children by DOWLING Sarah Ann 29 May 1838 - 25 Nov 1918
HICKEY Michael Francis (21 Apr 1860 - )
HICKEY Mary J. (Mar 1864 - 15 Oct 1905)
HICKEY Thomas J. (Apr 1867 - 22 Nov 1930)
HICKEY Sarah Mary (22 Apr 1869 - 18 Nov 1938)
HICKEY Joseph (28 Oct 1872 - 1 Apr 1874)
HICKEY ----- (10 May 1875 - )
HICKEY John Thomas (24 Nov 1879 - )
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