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HICKEY John Thomas
Birth: 24 Nov 1879 Pa.
Christening: 21 Dec 1879 Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, Pa.
John Hickey, b 24 Nov 1879 bap 21 Dec 1879 Cathedral of SS. Peter & Paul,
sponsors William Neyson and Theresa Neyson, bap by Rev. D. W. Brennan
1880 in Phila age 6 mos born Nov.
Phila Death record: John Thomas Hickey, d 24 Mar 1904, age 24 yrs 3m 25 days
(makes birthdate 30 Nov 1879, so it's him), single, cause phthisis pulminalis
(consumption), bookkeeper, parents each b Phila, addr 2416 Bolton St., ward 29, bur
28 Mar 1904, Holy Cross, undertaker John J O'Rourke
No, this is NOT his death record, because there is an obituary in the 26 Mar 1904
Philadelphia Inquirer for John T. Hickey, son of Francis X and the late Ellen Hickey.
That is the only John Hickey born in 1879 in the 1900 census. And he (and this John)
is one of two in the 1880 census.
Search Phila Death Index. Nov 1902 not him (son of Thomas J and late Annie),
cannot find
1900 census for his mother does not have number of children/number alive filled in.
The only John Hickey on the WW1 Draft Registration that might fit is John C Hickey b
25 Nov 1878, Phila., but actual card is so faded I cannot read nearest relative or any
other information. Probably the John C Hickey married to Pauline, and per census his
father b Ireland, m b Penna. so it's not him
Did not find any obituaries for him in the 1900-1910 period in Phila Inquirer
HICKEY Maurice Henry (13 Jul 1835 - 10 Feb 1901)
DOWLING Sarah Ann (29 May 1838 - 25 Nov 1918)
HICKEY Michael Francis (21 Apr 1860 - )
HICKEY Mary J. (Mar 1864 - 15 Oct 1905)
HICKEY Thomas J. (Apr 1867 - 22 Nov 1930)
HICKEY Sarah Mary (22 Apr 1869 - 18 Nov 1938)
HICKEY Joseph (28 Oct 1872 - 1 Apr 1874)
HICKEY ----- (10 May 1875 - )
HICKEY John Thomas (24 Nov 1879 - )
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