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SMITH Eugene [Owen]
Birth:          1826 Ireland
Death:          24 Jan 1877 Philadelphia, Pa.

Irish Records for Dublin (IFHF)
1860 in Phila, Ward 3: Owen Smith 22, Bridget 40, Michael15, Peter 13, Ann 10, 
Rosey 6. In same house is Kate Joyce 19. On Irish Roots site, a number of matches 
indicating this family was in Co. Cavan and then went to Dublin. But if related, how? 
Answer: It is Bridget Corcoran.
He's not on the ship with Bridget and the children in 1856. Perhaps he did not come to 
the USA?

This would fit but for age: Jan 24 1877 Phila Inquirer: SMITH, on the 21st instant, 
OWEN SMITH, of consumption, aged fifty-one years. The relatives and friends of the 
family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from 
the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Thomas Thornton, No. 518 Peirce street. Service 
at the Church of Sarcred Heart, to proceed to Cathedral Cemetery."
1880 census, Thos and Rose Thornton and family are living at 514 Peirce St
(either they moved (unlikely) or a typo (which makes it likely the age is a typo)
Phila Death Cert says he is married, a baker, b Ireland, 51 years
Pa and NJ Church and Town Rec on ancestry in grave Q/3/69

No, the obit is for Owen Smith, son of Eugene Smith and his first wife. Owen is step-
son of Bridget Corcoran. That doesn't fit obit, burial, or anything else except the 
census showing an Owen Smith born in 1837 (but is that an error?).
Arrived on Tonawanda March 1856, to Phila., with Bridget, Catherine, Michael, Peter, 
Ann, and Rosannah. His occupation? Baker
But gives age of Eugene as 18 (b 1838), Bridget, 40 (b 1816), Catherine 15 (b 1841), 
Michael 10 (b 1846), Peter 8 (b 1848), Ann 6 (b 1850), Rosannah 1 (b 1855)
So where is the father?
"Sara's Story" unpub manuscript by Sara Maguire Dougherty says Sarah Ann 
Dowling's mother married again "to a man who was a spendthrift and gambler." Sara 
says her grandmother did not explain what happened to him but the family decided to 
emigrate to the US. She wasn't sure if he came with them (he did). She said the 
crossing (in 1855) was very frightening in a small ship in huge waves.

Marriage To CORCORAN Bridget (Mary?) (1814 - Apr 1871) m. 11 Sep 1852 Blanchardstown, Ireland Notes Parents CORCORAN Peter (Jan 1777 - ) DELANY Brigid () Children by CORCORAN Bridget (Mary?) 1814 - Apr 1871
SMITH Rosannah (Rose) (23 Apr 1854 - 27 Feb 1884)
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